Editing jewelry photos in photoshop

Editing jewelry photos in photoshop makes an image more smooth and shiny. Product photography requires editing. For jewelry, a photo retouching service is so much important. Because when you want your photoshoot jewelry image retouching, you need to go to an editing company that is an expert in this sector.

After the photoshoot, you will see so much dust, spot, and other minor blemishes visible in the photo. You will not be able to see this spot if you want to see this without photoshop. After opening the Image using photoshop, you will be able to see this spot, dust.

How To Edit Jewelry Photos

Here are some photoshop tools which you frequently use when photo retouching is needed. This post is not only a tutorial; rather, it can be helpful as a guideline for jewelry photo retouching. This tutorial will teach you how photo retouching works for jewelry images and how it looks.

Note that some of the edits are based on your performance; you may like it or not. So that you need to hiring product photographer and it’s so difficult to choose the best one. The company you choose or select for editing your batch, sometimes you do not choose your work. So before hiring someone, you need to test them as you assure that they are suitable for your project and can handle your jewelry photo project.

I will discuss here most of the prominent tools which tools are helpful for your photo editing job

Type of tools used in jewelry photo editing

There are two types of photo retouching tools we can see

  1. Standard tools: These tools are impacted the entire Image, brightness, contrast, etc.
  2. Brush-based tools: Brush-based tools edit specific areas of an image while leaving the rest intact. Brush-based tools come with smooth and proper color and paint your Image with the perfect combination. Brush-based tools edit smoothly and give you robust control of your Image. I used brush tools to bring the standard of an image.

How to use brush retouching tools

Brush tools are different from other tools, and you will find this tool from the top menu bar or side menu bar. The size of the brush and its hardness has remained at 0%. That is good for you when you use this tool for any photo retouching service.

You’ll figure it out before you start using these tools.

Best photoshop Service for jewelry photo retouching

Adobe Photoshop is one of the best photo retouching software to retouch an image. Here are some practical jewelry photo editing tips I will provide to make high-end jewelry image retouching.


editing jewelry photos in photoshop

Editing jewelry photos in photoshop

The following steps will give you a clear idea about the jewelry photo retouching service. Jewelry retouching is a challenging part of an image. But if the Image is jewelry, then this is so tough to finish the final task. If anyone is not expert in jewelry photo editing, then this is not clever work if you handle the job to his hand. We always recommend handing over your jewelry photo editing job to a person or company who is an expert in jewelry photo retouching service.

Step 1:

Open the jewelry image with adobe photoshop first. You will see here I use a ring for retouching.  These photos are shot in normal light and in less shiny places. You need to be careful before photoshoot any jewelry image and concentrate on the editing part.

Step 2

Balance image color going adjustments>curves. Enhance the lighting exposure of the Image by grabbing the line from the upper part. Balance more upper part than the top part.

Step 3:

Click on polygonal lasso tools, though there are other options to select more tools. Next, move the selected tools to cover the subject and, cutting it press CTRL+J from the keyboard.

Step 4:

Create a blank layer, and then get filled with a shade of your choice. Move down the layer under the cutout layer. The gradian background shade must vary between white or light gray.

Step 5:

Selected the item again. If the shade is silver, then the saturation has to be lowered further. Navigate to ‘Photo ->Adjustments ->Saturation and Hue-Saturation’ to accomplish this.

Step 6:

Select hue/saturation from the layer menu and move the curve upward to make the items brighter.

Step 7:

Navigate- Filter> Sharpen> Little Sharpen. Click on the same that would lead to a sharpening of the jewelry image. Finally, the details would come with great figures and would be clear.

Finally, you need to create a blank layer and go to the brush option. Select the brush tools and then opt for grey shading. After that, click Edit>Transform> Fatten for scaling the brush’s dot. Now place the dot under the jewelry photo and reduce the capacity.

In this way, you would be able to retouch any jewelry items and eliminate dust and scratches, spot, or any particular spot. Using photoshop will come with the perfect solution.


editing jewelry photos in photoshop


However, if you have a batch of jewelry photos for retouching and do not have enough time, go for an outsourcing company.

Remember that choosing an experienced company or quality delivery system is your primary focus. A caring jewelry photo retouching company can solve your bulk photo retouching. Clipping path assist has supported various clients offering them quality jewelry photo editing in various countries like Canada, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, the USA, the UK, Netherlands, and so many popular countries.

Photo editing service is our primary goal, and we always edit commercial photos or e-commerce photos without compromising quality. So, reach us for jewelry photo editing services and color enhancement.


There are a lot of photoshop tools that you can use for retouching purposes and get benefit more. Many of these tools are used simply, and many are difficult to handle. If some tools are shown above in the menu, then try them. Any brush-based tools work in the same way. You need to select the brush tools and brush size to start painting where you want to edit.

You will see some settings on the top menu; you need to select the tools and configure the setting. Once you are comfortable with the tools, then you can start your final touch.

Thanks for reading the articles, and I hope these articles give you a clear understanding and remove the confusion about the photo retouching service. By reading this article, you get a decent idea and process about photoshop retouching service.

FAQ for Editing jewelry photos in photoshop

What is jewelry retouching?

Jewelry retouching is the process of editing jewelry images to enhance photo quality to attract online visitors. It involves standard enhancements such as color correction, background removal, and blemish removal, among many others. Jewelry photo retouching service is needed to attract the customer and for the post-production.

How do you edit Jewelry photos?

Jewelry photo editing is a prominent part of the photo editing sector. There are so many photos editing tutorials and tips about jewelry photo retouching. You have to decide which is the easiest way to retouch your jewelry product and what benefits you.

How do you smooth out jewelry in Photoshop?

Photoshop has so many features for jewelry photo retouching. A team providing jewelry photo retouching knows appropriately how to make a smooth jewelry photo and how to retouch a jewelry photo properly. So don’t worry about jewelry photo smooth leave it on the hand of expert.

How do you color correct jewelry in Photoshop?

Open the Image in Photoshop and go to Image>Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and select ‘Yellows.’ The Hue slider in Photoshop controls the primary color. So, by moving this slider, you can completely change the color. Try moving it around and see how the color changes.

How do you charge for jewelry photography?

A decent jewelry photo editor will charge from $1.00 – $4.00 an image for most cases. For a very high-end photo retoucher, they will charge more. Our photo retouching charge may decrease in quality of Image. We always value quality, not quantity. Our expert jewelry photo retouchers are always providing quality work for your e-commerce business.

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Use of retouching tools in photoshop | Tips, and Techniques

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