How to make a background transparent in Photoshop
How to make an image background transparent in photoshop. Adobe Photoshop can help you to create a beautiful design. You will make the background transparent with the high skill or learn from a graphics designer or professional photographer. You often need to extract a part of an image; the easiest way is to make the background transparent using the clipping path service.
This tutorial will teach you how to make a background transparent PNG in photoshop. We teach you different methods of changing the background color or making it transparent. After reading this tutorial carefully, you will be able to create a fascinating design like a pro.
We will build different types of photoshop tools that help you create amazing photoshop art. This tutorial will cover all essential aspects of creating transparent backgrounds or logos and other designs. Beginners benefit from this tutorial, and easy to follow the guideline. Experts can also use these methods by following this rule. Okay, let’s start our tutorial.
How to make an image background transparent in photoshop
Photoshop has so many tools. You can easily maintain some tools, and some are difficult to maintain, especially for beginners. When it comes to learning how to make an image background transparent in photoshop, you can easily find the methods that most fit your skills and design needs.
In this tutorial, we will look at the best methods of background removal services or make a transparent background using photoshop. You can select the one that you like most. Once you get the hang of it, you can use and create a professional design in no time.
Let’s look at the different tools and learn how to make the background transparent in photoshop.
Method 1: Make Transparent Background Using Magic Eraser tool
The magic eraser tools come with magic editing that you never thought of. Magic eraser tools make the background transparent in photoshop. This is a quick and easy format. These tools especially help the photographer delete the background and make it transparent.
Using the magic eraser tool, anything does not work hard in photoshop editing. Let’s see how you can do this
Step-1: Select the tool
At first, select the tools from the left menu bar. You need to select the tools from this menu.
Step-2: Select the object
After selecting the magic eraser tools, you need to select the object from the image. You need to drag above the object again and select the object. After fulfilling the selection, you need to go to the third step.
Step-3: Remove Background
After completing the selection part, you need to press the delete button to delete the background completely. You are changing the tolerance value from the top and increasing the range of pixels from the magic eraser tools at a time.
The magic eraser tools work to change all the backgrounds in the layer and make the image transparent. However, magic tools do not sometimes work if the foreground has a lot of fine details. It may erase the subject sometimes and make the final result look a little hectic.
Besides the magic eraser tools, there is one of the easiest options if you know how to make an image background transparent using Photoshop. It is the easiest way to make an image background transparent, straight, and in shape. It provides a clicks solution to removing the background layer.
Method 2: Make Image Transparent Using Background Eraser Tool
Another eraser tool you can find in photoshop tool named background eraser tool. The name we suggest is this is a built-in tool for making the background transparent in photoshop. This is easy to use and can quickly remove the background of any images
You have come to the right place if you want to learn how to change the background color and make it transparent using the background eraser tool.
Step-1: Select the tool:
Select the tools listed under the eraser menu from the toolbar. Select the tool and click on the image background layer.
Step-2: Change the setting
You can change the brush size or hardness from the top menu option.
Step-3: Select the Background and remove
Drag the mouse slowly over the object and remove the background.
Step-4: Zoom In
Zoom in the image and decrease the size of the tool and drag close to the object’s boundary and remove the extra object. Zoom in for a neat and clean background.
The background eraser tools erase the pixel on a layer and make the background transparent. It gives you a better controlling power than a magic eraser tool.
After using the background eraser tool, if you want, you can place a logo over your poster or image, but if you want to erase a logo background instantly, then you can use background eraser tools. Like a magic eraser tool, this tool is also not suitable to bring a lot of smooth edges.
Methods 3: Make the background transparent Using Magic Wand Tool
The magic wand tool is one of the selection tools available in photoshop. Most people don’t know about this tool. But it is a great tool for removing background from an image in photoshop.
The selection of these tools comes with similar pixel and color tones. If your background is one shade, then magic wand tools can remove the background without affecting the foreground image.
Step-1: Select the tool
Select the magic wand tool from the toolbar
Step-2: Change Setting
Change the tolerance value and check Anti-alias from the toolbar. High tolerance is suitable for this image if the background is a different shade. But if the background has a few color tones, keep tolerance 10-15; it is great for that.
Make sure Anti-Alias allows checkmarks or not. If not, checkmark, then do it. This checkmark smooths the selection and makes a circle around the foreground image.
Step-3: Select the Background
Once you are satisfied with the setting, click on the object to select it—press shift from the keyboard to add regions to your selection.
Step-4: Remove the Background
After finishing the selection, press delete from the keyboard, or you can go select> inverse> and then click on a layer via copy to separate the image from the background.
This is how you can remove background smoothly from an image using the magic wand tool.
Method 4: Make transparent background using the lasso tool
Lasso tool is one of the selection tools that come in quality handy in removing the background from an image. It allows you to select the portion closely from the boundary or object. This may take some time to come with finesse, but it’s better than the previous tools for more details.
If you want to know how smoothly remove the background using lasso tools, then read it on.
Step 1- Select the Tool
Select the tool from the menu bar option
Step 2- Mark the Image
Use the lasso tool to mark the image with the help of a mouse
Step 3- Separate the Selected Area
Once you mark the image which you want to keep, click on the right button and click the layer via the copy option
You can go to the select and inverse. After completing the inverse process, click on the delete from the keyword and remove the background.
Step 4- Zoom In
After deleting the background, you can see some missing areas you did not select. You can zoom in and finally crop the background from the image.
If your image has further details, you fall into trouble after removing the background. Don’t worry. Our next tool can help you to solve that problem.
Methods 5: Photo Background Transparent Using Photoshop Pen Tool
The pen tool is the most usable and common in adobe photoshop software. Most advanced photoshop editors are using this tool to remove background services. Many beginners are scared of using the pen tools, but you can use them like a pro user with a little practice.
You can use a pen tool from your area and add or remove anchor points while selecting. This tool can help you select the image with fine details and remove an object from blank spaces.
Step 1- Select the Tool
Select pen tool as usual from the tool option.
Step 2- Make Clipping Path
Start clipping path from a fixed point, then clicks and create anchor points around the image. Clip it slowly and zoom in to see the pixel clearly
Step 3- View Path Panel
Once you complete the path, the next step is to save the path from the path option. If you do not see the path menu, go to the windows menu and click on the path to visible.
Step 4: Rename the path.
A path panel will pop up next to the layer panel. When you see your path in the panel, click the path panel and rename it.
Step 5- Make Selection
The next step is to convert the path with selection. Right-click on the path option and make a selection. Choose the proper feather and click okay.
Step 6- Make the Layer Duplicate
Now get to the layer option and click the background for the duplicate background layer option. Now you can able to delete the background.
Step 7- Remove Background
Go to select >Inverse and click on the delete button from the keyboard. This will separate your selected region from the background. You can use this selection with a different layer and, in some cases, add a different background.
Keep practicing with pen tools to learn how to make an image background transparent in photoshop.
These are some of the tool’s descriptions that you can use to make the background transparent/ white. You have to decide which tools you use for your purposes and which tool works better for your image. You need to grow your skills day by day using one by one tool.
For basic background shape or color, a magic wand, background eraser, or magic eraser tool can be a quick solution. But if your image has fine details of different colors, then lasso tools and pen tools are a better option.
Read More about: The Best clipping path service providers in 2022
How to Create a Logo with Transparent Background in Photoshop
Moreover, If you are learning how to make a transparent image background, it’s easy for you to create a logo with transparent background. Most of the time, designers design a logo in PSD or JPEG format.
Photographers and graphics designers need to place a logo in their design or website. But it is difficult for them if the logo’s background is not transparent. So, it’s important to make the logo background transparent for easy use.
Now we learn how to create a logo with transparent background in photoshop
Step 1- Open the logo With Photoshop
Firstly, Open the logo in Photoshop
Step 2- Select the Tool
Secondly, remove the background from a logo, you can use a photoshop pen tool, lasso tool, magic wand tool, or anyone you like most. We are going to use the magic eraser tool.
Step 3-Remove Background
Thirdly, Click the background and press delete to remove the background. Zoom in to remove the background closely
Step 4- Save as PNG
Once you remove the background and make transparent background, then save the image in PNG format. After saving it in PNG format, you will be able to use this logo anywhere you want.
This is an easy method. You can change your logo background and save a lot of time. These easy methods help you use your logos in transparent background, and photographers use this on different posters or banners.
How to Make a White Background Transparent in Photoshop
If you learn properly from this tutorial how to make an image background transparent in photoshop, you can easily remove the background from any background.
Removing a white background is quite easy. If there is only a single background or one-colour tone, you can use the magic eraser tool or magic wand tool to make the image background transparent.
However, if your foreground color is complex, you may have spent much time closely selecting it using the pen tool.
Following the steps, you can easily make the background transparent. You can select the region in different designs and create beautiful art in photoshop.
How to Make a Simple Transparent PNG Background Image in Photoshop
If you want a simple, transparent PNG background image with a professional look, you first need to learn how to create a simple, transparent PNG image. These tricks of photoshop come in handy whenever you want to create your design.
The portable network graphics (PNG) image allows you to make the background transparent. Transparent background is a preferred format for every image, such as logos, watermarks, and other images. You can place this format image in any place like a poster, banner, leaflet, or any color background.
To create a PNG image that whatever you want, the first step is to open the image with photoshop and make its background transparent, you can then save it in PNG format, and after that, you can place it in any background on top of the design in photoshop.
Photographers and graphics designers can use this trick with multiple layers. With a little practice, you can get a good output with the help of adobe photoshop.
To clarify, the tutorial was written to help beginners how to make an image background transparent in photoshop and make a plain white background. We looked at different methods of doing so. We also cover creating a transparent background and making a white background transparent or creating a logo background transparently.
Above all, Photoshop is an amazing tool that helps you create this type of image. All you need to do is keep practicing and exploring how you can use its pre-built tools for design. From pen to magic eraser tools, you can learn different ways of making the background transparent.
Lastly, We hope this tutorial is so much helpful for your photo editing service. As with everything else, this trick in photoshop also requires a lot of practice. If you want to become a pro designer, you must continue to practice a lot until you are not a fulfilled designer.